Monday, September 21, 2009

New Member Tribute to Pastor Collins

I come before you today to honor Pastor Torrey Collins, on his 1st year Pastoral Anniversary.

Pastor, you are the Shepherd of this church and I am a Sheep in your pasture.

When I joined St. Rest Missionary Baptist Church, February 2008; I was broken, batted and bruised. But, through the grace of God and your leadership Pastor Collins, I’ve learned to trust in the Lord with all my heart and lean not to my own understanding in my trials and tribulations.

In New Members Class I learned the six steps, one must take in accepting Jesus Christ as their Personal Savior.

1. One needs to realize, he or she need to be saved.

2. Believe Christ died for you.

3. Ask for forgiveness of your sins.

4. Turn from sin.

5. Realize God’s love and accept it.

6. Profess Jesus is Lord to others.

I learned from the Senior Mission and Bible Study:
It’s not about us; it’s all about Jesus; for it is not the one who commended himself who is approved, but the one whom the Lord commends.
II Corinthians 10: 17, 18

In Sunday school I learned:
We must study to show ourselves approved unto God; a worker that need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
II Timothy 2:15

In Sunday Morning Worship I learned:
That Satan gets angry when he loses someone he thought he had.
Pastor preached this message on 7/19/09.
I Peter 5:10 & Ephesians 2:1-5

I’ve learned that this joy that I have the world did not give it to me--and the world can’t take it away. I’ve also learned that; Jesus is alright.

After going through the process of studying--fellowship--praying and praising God; I can say under your leadership Pastor Collins, “I have been change.”

However, I am not out of my storm; I am still in a dark room being processed.
As long as I stay under your leadership pastor, I know I’ll come out as pure gold.
Therefore, Pastor Collins, I’m a product of your vision each one--teach one.

Author: Darleen White

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